
app_welcome Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 app_config /admin/config Path does not match
2 set-document-as-payment /document/set-as-payment Path does not match
3 make-kp-for-document-and-set-as-payment /document/make-kp-for-document-and-set-as-payment Path does not match
4 make-pay-off-line /make-pay-offline/{docId} Path does not match
5 get-dokument-pdf /doc/pdf/{orgcpy}/{docId} Path does not match
6 convert-FP-2-FV /admin/convert-FP-2-FV Path does not match
7 document-edit /document/edit/{docId} Path does not match
8 delete-document /admin/delete-document Path does not match
9 my-documents /dokumenty Path does not match
10 nie-zaplacone-dokumenty /nie-zaplacone-dokumenty/{dni} Path does not match
11 update-seller /update-seller/{id} Path does not match
12 update-client /update-client/{id} Path does not match
13 update-position /update-position/{id} Path does not match
14 execute-positions /execute-positions Path does not match
15 set-positions-as-payd /setPosAsPayd Path does not match
16 new-document-from-existing-positions /newDocFromExPos/{documentType}/{finished}/{nabywca} Path does not match
17 deactivate-domain /deactivate-domain/{domainId} Path does not match
18 activate-domain /activate-domain/{domainId} Path does not match
19 wygasajace-domeny /wygasajace-domeny/{dni} Path does not match
20 manually-reNew-domain /manuallyReNewDomain Path does not match
21 manually-reNew-domains-create-doc /manuallyReNewDomains-createNewDocument Path does not match
22 domains-config /domainsConfig Path does not match
23 my-domains /mojeDomeny Path does not match
24 domain-search /domeny Path does not match
25 domains-check-portions /domains-check Path does not match
26 synchronize-prices /admin/synchronize-prices Path does not match
27 price-list /admin/price-list Path does not match
28 create-csa-4-user /admin/user/createCSA Path does not match
29 add-csa-2-user /admin/hrd/add-csa-2-user Path does not match
30 hrd-get-domains-propositions /admin/hrd-get-domains-propositions?depth={depth} Path does not match
31 hrd-get-domains-propositions-html /admin/hrd-get-domains-propositions-html?depth={depth} Path does not match
32 hrd-check-domain-available-for-rejestration /admin/hrd-check-domain-available-for-rejestration Path does not match
33 hrd-domain-whois /admin/hrd-domain-whois Path does not match
34 remove-domain /admin/removeDomain/{domainId} Path does not match
35 hrduser-delete /admin/HRDUser/delete Path does not match
36 cart /koszyk Path does not match
37 cart2 /user/koszyk Path does not match
38 koszyk-remove-domain-2-registartion /koszyk/remove-domain-2-registration Path does not match
39 koszyk-add-domain-2-registartion /koszyk/add-domain-2-registartion Path does not match
40 cart-finalize /user/koszyk Path does not match
41 get_pass_reset_stage_1 /pass/reset/1 Path does not match
42 post_pass_reset_stage_1 /pass/reset/1 Path does not match
43 get_pass_reset_stage_2 /pass/reset/2/{key} Path does not match
44 post_pass_reset_stage_2 /pass/reset/2/{key} Path does not match
45 app_login /login Path does not match
46 app_logout /logout Path does not match
47 make-tpay-1 /make-tpay/{docId} Path does not match
48 make-tpay-2 /make-tpay/{docId}/{groupId} Path does not match
49 tpay-ok /tpay-ok/{docId} Path does not match
50 tpay-error /tpay-error/{docId} Path does not match
51 tpay-notification /tpay-notify Path does not match
52 ticket-new /ticketNew Path does not match
53 ticket-save /ticketSave/{ticketId} Path does not match
54 ticket-set-priority /ticketChangePriority Path does not match
55 ticket-set-new-status /ticketSetNewStatus Path does not match
56 tickets /tickets Path does not match
57 ticket-2wait /tickets/waiting/{ticketId} Path does not match
58 ticket-run /tickets/run/{ticketId} Path does not match
59 ticket-verify /tickets/verify/{ticketId} Path does not match
60 ticket-finish /tickets/finish/{ticketId} Path does not match
61 ticket-verify-fail /tickets/verify-fail/{ticketId} Path does not match
62 newTicket /newTicket Path does not match
63 ticket-cancel /tickets/cancel/{ticketId} Path does not match
64 ticket-pause /tickets/pause/{ticketId} Path does not match
65 post-userFilters /admin/setUserFilters Path does not match
66 users_list /admin/usersList Path does not match
67 get_user_edit /admin/userEdit/{userId} Path does not match
68 post_user_edit /admin/userEdit/{userId} Path does not match
69 user-view /admin/userView/{userId} Path does not match
70 add-address-2-user /admin/userEdit/addAddress/{userId} Path does not match
71 post-delete-address /admin/user/deleteAddress Path does not match
72 post-delete-user /admin/user/deleteUser Path does not match
73 get-new-user /admin/user/new Path does not match
74 post-new-user /admin/user/new Path does not match
75 post-update-user-proformas /admin/user/updateProformas Path does not match
76 post-update-user-domains /admin/user/updateDomains Path does not match
77 get-new-domain /admin/user/newDomain/{userId}-1 Path does not match
78 post-new-domain-finish-off-line /admin/user/newDomain/finishOffLine/{userId} Path does not match
79 post-new-domain-finish-on-line /admin/user/newDomain/finishOnLine/{userId} Path does not match
80 rejestracja /rejestracja Path does not match
81 postRejestracja /rejestracja Path does not match
82 aktywacja-konta /aktywacja/{key} Path does not match
83 my-profile /profil Path does not match
84 my-profile-post /profil Path does not match
85 get-balance /getBalance Path does not match
86 app_welcome_chuj /chuj Path does not match
87 app_welcome_testtemplate /test Path does not match
88 app_welcome_testcover /cover Path does not match
89 app_welcome / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.